As many of you know, I used to be co-owner of a pet supply company that had 39 e-commerce stores, the most popular being We had a 20,000 square foot distribution center and at one time 50 employees.
One day when our janitorial supply order came, we received a LOT of toilet paper, much more than we expected. The person who ordered it, messed up and unfortunately, we couldn’t send it back. So what does one do with an excess supply of toilet paper? Make Ex-Lax Brownies and feed them to the staff? Nah.
What we did do was put it on all our sites for sale. Yep, buy your ferret food and a roll of toilet paper for a buck more. What an up-sell opportunity! I was very surprised at how quickly the toilet paper sold. Incredibly, a great deal of it was bought by people in Japan. Not sure why, but I really didn’t want to ask.
So in a bit of deja-vu, I saw this sign at a McDonald’s:
Seems like they’re trying to get additional ROI on their ice makers. Who can blame them?
So next time you’re in the drive thru, add a bag of ice those McNuggets.