Shortly after I wrote about today’s developments in Luzerne County, wouldn’t you know it, yet another corrupt politician goes down. The latest indictment marks the third individual in the WIlkes-Barre Area School District to be charged with taking bribes. Frank Pizzella is charged with taking money in return for getting someone a job as a teacher in the district.
If you are from this area, you know that paying for a teaching position in a school district around here is the only way to get a job. The other way is to be a relative of a school director. Qualifications don’t matter in Luzerne County. Blood and cash is how you get a teaching job.
A friend of mine, who will remain nameless, paid off a school director by delivering cash in three unmarked envelopes in the parking lot of a donut shop in order to secure a teaching job for his wife. Is that right? Absolutely not… but it’s NEPA politics.
I just wonder who’s going down tomorrow!