One of my favorite newspaper columns besides the New York Post‘s Page Six is the Palm Beach Post‘s Page 2 Live by Jose Lambiet. Jose covers the shenanigans of the removed-from-reality Palm Beachers and their counterparts in Hollywood. Today Lambiet, who I’d like to sit down with over a martini at Taboo, introduces us to the latest doll to come out of Mattel, Palm Beach Sugar Daddy Ken.
As he describes him, Ken “comes complete with a George Hamilton tan, apple-green jacket, white pants and shoes, swim trunks, tea-cup white pooch with a pink leash and, it’s understood, an attractive bank account.”
When it comes to Sugar Daddies, no geographical location has more of them than Palm Beach. Unfortunately, they’re all over the age of 70 and their Sugar is usually about 40 years their junior. I find them quite amusing, like the old buck who can barely make his way to the men’s room at Bice having dinner with a honey who belongs over at E. R. Bradley‘s with people her own age. But hey, who can blame Sugar! I’m sure she is getting everything she wants like that new Gucci bag, the diamond earrings, the new Bentley…
I could never be a Sugar Daddy. But I know a few of them. They’re the ones who feel they need to buy themselves happiness, if only to be taken for a ride later on. A friendship or a relationship is never bought, it’s something both parties work at together with mutually respected boundaries and contributions. Those who feel the need to buy their happiness can’t really be happy, but those being bought certainly can and most take full advantage of the situation.
I see myself more the gigolo, or keeping with the Palm Beach theme, “the walker.” These are guys who get paid to be companions for the elderly women of the island. They’re their dance partners at balls during the season, dinner companions at the Palm Beach Grill, dog walkers along Worth Ave. Some of them make good money and the job doesn’t usually come with bedroom responsibilities, unlike that of the Sugar.
Palm Beach Sugar Daddy Ken looks like he’s more in tune to be hanging out at Rooster’s than The Breakers, but then again, this is Palm Beach where anything goes. And often it does.
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Now, if you came here looking for some real Sugar Daddy’s, my friends over at Blair Candy have them for you! They’ve got the small one, for the Daddy who’s a little low on the cash, and the big one for the Daddy with the bucks!