A very excited John Dawe got me on Yahoo! Instant Messenger tonight and said I must do a follow-up to my rant about WNEP2. If you remember, my original post focused on the fact that WNEP-TV switched their WNEP2 channel to carry programming from the Retro Television Network. However, that programming was squeezed into a postage stamp size spot on the screen dominated by a weather map and pubic service announcements.
Apparently I wasn’t the only person to question the rationale behind such a crazy decision. But then again, the people in charge at WNEP are paid to make these executive-type decisions, so who am I to question them. But someone listened and now Jack Webb, Alfred Hitchcock and the Incredible Hulk now can be watched in the screen mode in which they were originally intended.
Thanks WNEP and thanks John Dawe for sending over the picture. I’ll be in town tomorrow to setup the TiVo to record some of my favorite classic shows now that they’re watchable.