I’ve said time and time again, I’m not a huge fan of television. Each month when I make my $350 donation to Comcast, I wonder why the hell I’m paying for a couple hundred channels I never watch. I’d be content if the only one I received was Turner Classic Movies.
If we’re not getting bombarded with wall-to-wall coverage of Malaysian Airlines flight 370 – even there’s nothing new to report – we’re getting hit over the head with mindless drivel in the form of “reality TV.”
This new form of “entertainment” has created stars out of the planet’s most disturbing individuals. And the networks keep filling time slots with more and more reality shows, why? Because people love them! Reality shows are the entertainment world’s equivalent of a train wreck. We can’t help but stop and watch.
I prefer to shy away from shows with creepy people like the exterminator guy with the tattoos or the turtle guy who makes funny noises. I’d much rather look at Betty Grable, Cary Grant, Marilyn Monroe, Cary Grant, Gina Lollobrigida, or Cary Grant.
But reality television is cheap to produce, brings in big money, and is here to stay.
A fellow eCommerce store owner is reaping the benefits of reality TV this morning. Kevin Begola, owner of TitaniumBuzz.com, was approached by the producers of – get this – “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo” to create a one-of-a-kind camo engagement ring for the show.
Titanium Buzz carries a great selection of titanium rings for everyday wear as well as for weddings and engagements. Kevin has managed to establish himself as one of the top retailers in his class mainly due to the diverse and unique rings he has, many of which are his own designs.
So, when America’s favorite redneck reality show was looking for a camouflage engagement ring, they turned to Kevin to create it. While the show just aired last night, Kevin told me the show’s producers contacted him back before Christmas to get the ball rolling.
“The production team contacted us just before the holidays and we worked with them on a deal to get them a ring for a proposal that would be happening around Christmas/New Years. They couldn’t give us any details and we had to keep quiet,” Kevin says. “We made the ring for them and shipped it off. They loved the look of it and they said they hoped to get some great shots of the ring and possibly the box.”
A few weeks ago, Kevin got the first hint that the ring was going prime time when the producer reached out and told him he would be pleased with the outcome when the show airs.
If you’re not a fan of Honey Boo Boo, or don’t have a clue who or what a Honey Boo Boo is (like me), watch the short clip below to see how Kevin’s ring fared in last night’s episode.
Not only did Kevin’s ring get it’s own hashtag – #camoring – his logo was prominently displayed as the box was opened and the ring revealed.

Today Kevin is celebrating TitaniumBuzz’s reality TV show cameo appearance and told me that since the show aired, he’s receiving plenty of traffic to his site from people looking to get their own Honey Boo Boo-like camo ring.
After watching the clip and knocking back a lunch-time martini with three olives to celebrate Kevin’s television appearance, I’m still not sure what the show is all about! But one thing is for certain, any publicity is good publicity.
Even if Cary Grant wasn’t making the proposal.