There are some days when you just want to be a kid again… even if just for a few hours.

With 2018 being “challenging,” to say the least, I’ve learned to not dwell on the past, not worry about the future, but just enjoy the moment.
Life is made up of several “moments” all pieced together to create a lifetime.
Of course, there’s going to be happy, sad, angry, perplexing, emotional, euphoric and whatever other words you can conjure up to describe these seconds, minutes, and hours, that make up these moments.
I ate ice cream.
Rode a carousel.
Drove a “racecar” that didn’t go over 7mph.
Spun around in a teacup.
Watched others do the same.
All while smiling, laughing, thinking, dreaming, reminiscing, wondering, and well… enjoying the moment.
Life is too short, too complex, and too stressful not to take the time to let that inner kid come out and play.
Even if just for a few hours.