When it comes to pet supply websites, no other on-line retailer has as many e-stores as Neeps Inc., of Wilkes-Barre, PA. The company’s first website, TheFerretStore.com, was launched in January 1994 and since then, the company has acquired or built additional stores now numbering 28 with more to come by year’s end.
The latest stores opened by Neeps Inc., include niche, or micro-sites: BuyPetStrollers.com, BuyPetCarriers.com, BuyAgilityGear.com, BuyBabbleBalls.com, AutoGearForDogs.com, PlushPets.com, PetStainAndOdorRemover.com, BuyDogSupplements.com and BuyKyjen.com.
“We started out as a company catering to a niche with TheFerretStore.com and that model was hugely successful,” according to co-founder and president, Scott Sanfilippo. “Over the past several months we’ve looked at the niche model again and built stores around a specific category or line and each micro-site we launched has been a performer.”
In addition to the launch of nine new sites, Neeps Inc., re-introduced a brand it acquired in 2005 – HealthyPetStore.com. Besides a face-life, HealthyPetStore.com’s product lines were re-examined to bring them more in line with the “healthy” theme of the store.